Five Notable Facts About Cybersecurity

by | Aug 3, 2022

As businesses and organizations become more reliant on technology, they can also become more vulnerable to cybersecurity breaches. Cyber crime is rising. Every company and organization must take proactive steps to protect their sensitive data from cyber threats. At Rize Technologies, we are devoted to providing comprehensive, solutions driven cybersecurity services to law firms of all sizes. Here, you will find an overview of five of the most notable facts about cybersecurity.

1. Phishing is the Top Cyber Security Threat—and Many Departments/Industries are at Risk

Cyber criminals and cyber attackers use a number of different strategies to exploit security vulnerabilities. Yet, phishing attacks remain the top cybersecurity threat. According to data cited by Forbes Magazine, 80% of all cybersecurity incidents involve phishing. Simply put, phishing is a malicious attempt to pose as a trusted party in order to get an end-user to give up sensitive information such as a user-name, password, or financial account details. Many industries and departments are at risk. A study found that the failure rate for phishing is highest in ‘facilities’ (17%), quality control (14%), and marketing (12%).

2. Password Reuse by Employees is Incredibly Common (Major Vulnerability) 

Password protection is a vital part of a modern cybersecurity system. Yet, password reuse by employees remains an incredibly common problem. With some variation from industry-to-industry, a report shows that somewhere between 75% and 95% of employees regularly reuse their passwords. This is a major vulnerability. With password reuse, leaked credentials from one site could result in many different breaches.

3. Breaches Occur Across a Wide Range of Different Industries

Cybercriminals are willing to attack every industry. A report found that reported breaches in 2021 were most common in the healthcare industry, the financial industry, and the information industry. Law firms need to be properly prepared: Cyber security attacks are rising in the legal industry as well. As law firms have access to sensitive and confidential information, they can be a target of cyber criminals.

4. The Average Ransom Payment is Skyrocketing

In some cases, cyber attackers will take over a computer system and/or computer network and demand a ransom payment to release it back to the control of the business or organization. The Atlanta City government was subject to a multi-million dollar ransom attack in 2018. Average ransom payments are skyrocketing. A study found that they are up more than 80% in just two years.

5. Cloud Security is One of the Top Cybersecurity Concerns 

With more and more sensitive information moving to the cloud, cloud security is now one of the primary concerns for businesses and organizations. Approximately three-quarters of companies surveyed report that they are “concerned” about cloud security. The cloud can be convenient and efficient—but it is crucial that proper cybersecurity protections are in place.

Get Help With Cybersecurity From Rize Technologies

At Rize Technologies, we are committed to providing trustworthy, comprehensive, and cost effective IT support services to law firms of all sizes. Are you concerned that your firm does not have adequate cybersecurity protection in place? You are not alone. We are more than ready to help you find the best solution. Contact us today to learn more about our cybersecurity options.


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